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We are now well and truly into the first month of spring, the days are getting longer, the weather is getting warmer and the promise of an end to a wild and wet winter seems like it might just follow through.

The middle of September also means peak wedding season is just around the corner, and if you’re one of the couples whose wedding is just weeks away, CONGRATULATIONS! All your hard work, ideas and research are about to culminate in a special, romantic and personal celebration of your love.

Although you may feel like you still have hundreds of things on your to-do list, there are only three things you need to be worried about.

1. Stay calm
The most important thing you and your fiancé can do in the last few frantic weeks before your wedding is to make time for each other. Find the funny side of a misunderstanding; make a game out of guessing what the other persons’ dress or hair or suit is going to look like. Now is the time to let go of the stress, stop worrying about what your family wants or whether your friends will be happy with their seating plan, and take care of each other.

This could mean planning a dinner for two, or taking some time out and still prepping for the big day, but having a massage or a manicure together, or heading to the hairdresser.

2. Stay in contact
Take a moment in the last few weeks to contact each of your suppliers one last time. Make sure they have all the correct phone numbers and all the running sheet details for the day. Don’t just send a group email and hope that covers it – make personal

contact and ask any final questions you have. Does your photographer know how to find your house and where to park in the morning? Have you given your caterer a seating plan matched to a dietary requirements list? Does the function hall have the number of your cake maker in case they have questions about plating up?

3. Relinquish control
If you can look over at your new husband or wife on your wedding day, and know that you’ve married your best friend, then the day has been a success.

Trust that everything will work out on the day because you’ve done all the hard work already, scouring magazine photos, interviewing suppliers and comparing quotes. And even if something does veer off course during the day, you’ll find it’s actually very hard to be unhappy on your wedding day. All of those things you thought would lead to disaster, like the kids running across the dance floor or not knowing your speech by heart, will be things you won’t even notice in the flush of happiness and adrenalin on your special day.

Until next time,
